We build strong and memorable brand identities and positioning. We use specific tools to analyse market conditions and trends, competitors and personas Our work is data-driven and the results are interpreted using the only instrument that can do so: human intelligence.

#brandidentity #posizionamentostrategico #logo


Caleidos has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of communication. A communication that has always been responsive in terms of target, media and moment in history. Perhaps we have not been particularly traditional, but today, today more than ever, we gladly proclaim our old school roots, because method, culture and experience are indispensable to communicate effectively.

#advertising #concept #mediaplan


Digital tool integration is key to success. It means integrating strategic tools and actions synergistically, directing each choice towards predetermined business targets, formulating the relative KPIs, so as to convert prospects into leads, clients and, ultimately, brand promoters.

#digital #social #programmatic #paidads


A cross-cutting approach, flexibility, intelligence. These are the keywords to create for our clients contents that are original and, first and foremost, interesting, engaging, and memorable for the audience: contents that change shape as a function of the platform and the media.

#contentstrategy #video #blog #post


Our events go beyond the boundaries of a location, they are part of a fully integrated process. When we conceive the idea, we walk unbeaten paths. When it comes to organising an event, though, we become meticulous, pedantic almost, and plan everything down to the smallest details.

#eventi #ambientmarketing #convegni #flashmob #guerrilla #promozioni