Caleidos was born in 1985 and, from the very start, adopted an integrated communication model, well before it became common practice. In 1998, it created Teenagency, Italy’s first agency specialising in communications targeting the young. It was the first agency to come up with guerrilla and nonconventional marketing actions, as well as one the first to realise the potential of the Internet. Our Pillow Fight in downtown Milan opened up new forms of interaction between a brand and the community.
The two souls have now joined forces to generate an agency that operates in the b2b and b2c markets and is a member of UNA and Nexxus, a group of 10 independent European agencies.

We can take up any communication challenge by relying on our long-term experience and a current, agile organisation, which, also thanks to the team of professionals it shares premises and projects with, brings together the experience of 24 experts, covering all communication areas: advertising, branding, digital, social, web design, events and promotions.

In a few words? The strengths of the old school fine-tuned to meet present-day needs. In a nutshell? Old school, new skills.