
Looking for the lost lead

Engineer, university professor, corporate trainer. His career encompassed just about every communication discipline – from journalism to public relations, from events and media planning to digital communication –, resulting in the development of a natively integrated multichannel approach and a focus on the construction of measurable processes. In over 25 years of activity, he conceived and managed more than 400 communication projects – b2b and b2c, internal and external, corporate and product based, crisis management, local community relations, company restructuring – for small, medium and large Italian and International companies. Since 2008, one of his main tasks has been the development of integrated communication projects with a special focus on digital medial. He is the author of a book on multichannel communications ROIvolution: Gestire la multicanalità per la Lead Generation (published by Franco Angeli), and teaches at the La Sapienza University of Rome.